M.E.E.C. (Mastering Effective English Communication) Complete Audio Series, E-Edition

#1070-D M.E.E.C. E-Edition Series

Now in the Seventh Edition!

The 3-volume e-Workbook and downloadable audio series complete enough to be your primary accent instruction tool!

Nothing speeds your client’s goal achievement like frequent oral practice – and no other fills your absence between sessions as well as our audio programs. The MEEC is attractively packaged to boost your marketing image as well!

We know what is important. The MEEC:

  • uses male and female speakers – You need both for the best role models.
  • records lecture/descriptive content – not just exercises.
  • reinforces key learning points frequently – with visual and aural reminders.
  • saves valuable contact time by allowing clients to preview new topics with solid information
  • lets clients repeat as often as needed until it “sinks” in!
  • provides user friendly icons for CD directions for easy searches.
  • wastes less of your valuable training time for assignments and directions with easy-to-search directories and indices in each workbook.
  • suits the learning needs of adult professionals – with adult language, a polished look, and straightforward style.


Volume Indexes. Clients now have one more aid to find the exact material they need. Instructors can quickly pinpoint exercises by length, sound combinations or key words, and more!

Checkpoints! Beep tones on the CDs signal special messages: keeps listeners alert to the goals, provides usage hints, or suggests more challenging exercises.

SMART CD use!! Many CD programs aren’t really functional for the immediate feedback loop you want to have for practicing oral skills: there are few (more often no -) tracks that you can skip to – and they never tell you that! You have to listen to 30-35 minutes of continuous copy! We made liberal use of tracks on every CD: on average, you’re listening for only 3-5 minutes before you can replay the copy you really want. Feedback is far more immediate. Most exercises also have their own track!

Flexible components! MEEC can also be purchased as miniseries (#5310, #5311, #5312), and in cost saving quantity discounts (1070/5). Tailored packages can be custom ordered for unique applications and class lengths. Contact us for a quote on your needs.

A continuing commitment to accented speakers of American English...and the professionals who serve them.